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WCLBMA publishes a wide-ranging variety of communications.  Publications are e-mailed to members and contain the latest in industry information, association news and events, business trends, government actions, safety and HR information and more.

■ The Lumber Log is WCLBMA’s monthly newsletter. This publication contains industry news, informative business articles, association events and programs, articles on people in the news and member firms, editorial comment and advertising.

■ WCLBMA Weekly E-Update is a weekly e-update with breaking and current industry information. This compilation of industry information and events, legislative and regulatory actions, business information and opinion is available to as many in a member firm who want to receive it.

■ WCLBMA Annual Members & Services Directory is a comprehensive directory of member firms, with names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses for WCLBMA members.  The current Member & Services Directory can be found in the “Members Only” section of this website.

Advertising is available in all WCLBMA publications.  Go to the “Ad Rates for Publications” page of our website for information.